Очередная книга с громким названием в американском «туалетном» стиле. Как бы проводит некие параллели между ситуацией когда у вас закончилась туалетная бумага, и ситуацией старта собственного бизнеса :) Что между этими двумя вещами общего — предлагается понять читателю.
В целом, достаточно позитивная и мотивирующая книга в духе Rework от 37signals.
Money is an amplifier of habits. If you have bad habits and receive lots of money, you will simply repeat your bad habits more often. If your habits are good, it will amplify those good behaviors. Money allows us to be more of who we already are. So we better have a strong mindset and have established good habits before we get gobs of money.
“Catch a man a fish and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.” — Karl Marx
Commit to leading on Quality, Price, or Convenience, and make sure you pick just one to focus your attention on. Stay in the ballpark with the other two areas, but never, ever compromise your Area of Innovation in an effort to excel in all three. When you diligently and consistently work to raise the bar in your Area of Innovation, effectively competing with yourself, you stay out of your competition’s reach.
Community — Finally, at this stage we start talking about someone else besides you! Well, not really. The community is the people you are serving. You will be delivering something to them that is 100% consistent with YOUR Life Mission, is 100% moving YOU toward YOUR Destiny, is extraordinary because of YOUR Area of Innovation and is consistent with YOUR values. Well, shit, who better to consume this thing than you and people just like you and people who want to be like you? Exactly!
В русском переводе, книга почему-то называется «Стартап без бюджета», что еще раз убеждает в том что книги нужно читать в оригинале.